
  应bat365官网登录入口光电学院邀请,德州大学达拉斯分校副校长,OLED显示领域著名专家布鲁斯·葛内德(Bruce Gnade)教授于2015年10月28日-11月3日来bat365官网光电学院访问交流。双方召开了教学合作研讨会,就加强两校学生的交流与培养进行了研讨。国际合作处、教务处领导,光电学院有关院领导、学科责任教授及各研究所主管教学副所长参加了本次研讨。访问期间在访问期间,葛内德副校长为光电学院本科生讲授了《OLED显示技术》课程。




  美国德州大学达拉斯分校是全美著名公立大学,学校工科排名70。其紧邻德州仪器(TI),AT&T,三星,思科,阿尔卡特,华为等高科技企业。其在工科,尤其是半导体和显示器件方面具有雄厚的基础。作为一所建校不满50年的年轻的大学,凭借其地理位置与财力优势,发展迅速,是全美进步最快的高校。光电院已从2012年起与德州大学达拉斯分校开展接触、合作,开展新光源与显示技术实验室的论证和建设。2014年学院派青年教师到该校的材料科学与工程系访学,在OLED显示器件著名专家、德州大学科研副校长布鲁斯•葛内德教授支持下,对该校的教学和大型公共实验室等硬件条件有了深入的了解。德州大学达拉斯分校的技术与学科优势将对光电院未来在显示器件与技术的教学和科研等方面将有很大的促进。 此次葛内德副校长的来访得到了bat365官网国际交流与合作处和教务处的大力支持,葛内德教授的此次访问将为两校的进一步加深合作交流奠定良好基础。

葛内德(Bruce Gnade)教授简介:
  Bruce Gnade received his BA in Chemistry from St. Louis University in 1976 and his Ph.D. in Nuclear Chemistry from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1982. He joined the faculty at University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) in 2003 as a professor of materials science and engineering. He is currently Vice President for Research of UTD and Distinguished Chair in Microelectronics.
  Prof. Bruce Gnade has a unique combination of experience in industry (Texas Instruments), the Federal Government (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA), and academia (Univ. of North Texas and Univ. of Texas at Dallas). He has been recognized for his contributions in the field of electronic and display related materials.   He initiated several materials-related activities at TI for scaled silicon CMOS, with critical patents in xerogels for use as interlevel dielectrics, materials and processes for field emission and digital mirror device displays, and very high-k dielectrics for DRAM capacitors.  These patents have been referenced over 2000 times. He was a leader in the development of field emission display technology, providing critical insight into the degradation mechanisms that affect the long term stability of field emission cathodes and low voltage phosphors.  Also at TI, he worked with the digital light processing (DLP) group to improve long term reliability by understanding the role of stiction forces and hinge fatigue in MEMS devices.  His work at TI and UT Dallas have led to 72 U.S. and 54 foreign patents, where he is an inventor or co-inventor.  Dr. Gnade spent three years at DARPA as a program manager, where he initiated Dept of Defense programs in molecular electronics, flexible displays, and the heterogeneous integration of multiple device technologies on silicon.  While at DARPA he managed the advanced display technology program for the U.S. Department of Defense, supporting technology development in plasma, field emission, organic light emitting diode and MEMs-based displays for use in DoD applications.  After leaving DARPA, he served as chair of the Materials Science Department at University of North Texas for three years,  before joining the University of Texas at Dallas where he is now the Distinguished Chair in Microelectronics and the Vice President for Research.  His research since joining academia has focused on electronic materials for scaled CMOS, flexible electronics and displays, and recently bioelectronic devices.  This work has achieved widespread recognition and has formed the basis for over millions of dollars in grants or research contracts in the past 5 years. 
  Dr. Gnade has 150 publications in peer-reviewed journals and over 70 publications in conference proceedings that he has authored or co-authored.  These publications have been cited over 4000 times.
   Dr. Gnade have served numerous professional organizations that include Advisory Committee, 3rd and 4th International Conf. on Science and Tech. of Display Phosphors; Co-Chair SPIE Conference on Liquid Crystal Materials, Devices, and Flat Panel Displays, Jan. 1999, 2000; Technical Committee for Emissive Displays, Society for Information Displays Int. Symp. (2002-present); United States Civilian Research and Development Foundation, Electronics review panel, 2000-present; Nanotechnology Foundation's Scientific Advisory Board (2003-Present); National Academies Board of Assessment of NIST Programs-EEEL, Chair of SED subpanel (2004-presnt); Associate Editor, IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology (2004-2008); Chair of Publications Committee, Society of Information Display (2009-present).
