
  受bat365官网登录入口材料学院邀请,英国萨里大学资深讲师蔡琼博士于7月5日来访,进行参观与学术交流,并在3号教学楼341作题为“Towards multiscale modelling for battery materials design”的学术报告。材料学院吴川教授主持本次学术报告会。





  Dr Qiong Cai was trained in materials science and engineering at Tsinghua University (China) and received her MEng degree in 2003. She went on to complete a PhD in 2007, at the University of Edinburgh (UK), with an overseas research scholarship from Universities UK. Between 2007 and 2012 she was a research associate at Imperial College London where she led the Modelling and Simulation workpackage within a four-year EU FP7 funded project. She became a lecturer in Department of Chemical and Process Engineering at University of Surrey in 2012 and was promoted to senior lecturer and Director of Postgraduate Research in 2016. She has been researching actively at the interface of materials science and electrochemical engineering. Her current research focuses on multi-scale modeling and materials design for energy conversion and storage. She is the PI of three EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) funded projects on Na-ion batteries and polymer membrane fuel cells. She is also the Co-I of a newly funded £1.2 million project from EPSRC on Na-ion batteries, and the Co-I of a Surrey-NPL (National Physical Laboratory) PhD studentship on lithium air batteries. She has supervised 5 postdocs and currently is supervising 5 PhD students. She is on the Scientific Board of the H2FC SUPERGEN Hub, the Scientific Board of the Energy Storage SUPERGEN Hub, and a member of the EPRSC peer review college. She has also been an active referee for a number of international journals including Journal of Power Sources, Electrochimica Acta, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, etc.
